Sunday, 30 September 2012





Drops of salty sweat meandered from my forehead all the way down to my jaw as I gulped back my third glass of water after an intense work out. I was physically exhausted, yet mentally energized. 

From childhood onward, I have been engaged in many different types of sports such as table tennis, basketball, soccer, snooker and badminton. Of course, I failed to become an expert at everything. However, I enjoy all of them and cannot survive a day without playing sports. At the age of eight, I embraced my favourite, table tennis. Eight years of training eventually qualified me as one of the Canadian champions. Unfortunately, I had to forfeit my ping-pong life as school work got heavier and heavier. Nevertheless, I did not abandon my physical life completely. Running after school gradually became an integral part of my life. Although running is not the most enjoyable sport to do, especially when you are in the torrid heat of July, it fulfills my desire for the physical world in a short time. 

At this point of my introspection, I must admit that I live in a physical lifestyle. However, after I finished playing two hours of  piano as usual, I hesitated. 

"Am I a physical person or a sedentary person?" I queried myself with solemn for the first time. 

The answer was both.

My life would be nothing more than three meals a day without either of them.